Journal entry:
Day 22: Christmas in March
Cloudy Portland day mirrors our cabin fever; support and hope for Owen's leukemia battle shines.

Today was one of those days in Portland that can't quite decide what it wants to be. The sky hung heavy clouds, promising snow that never touched the downtown streets we see out our hotel window. The cold, overcast day mirrored the lingering cabin fever we'd been feeling. With two weeks still stretching ahead of us, the walls of our temporary home seem to close in a little more each day.

Our morning started with Owen's relentless campaign for Cheetos. This quest began last night and somehow became the epicenter of our morning chaos. While Mom wrestled with a grocery order that seemed determined to test her patience, Dad turned to GrubHub to fulfill Owen's crunchy, orange wish. The little victories, right? Breakfast delivered courtesy of Grubhub and IHOP briefly united us before we plunged back into the day's demands.

Amidst the whirlwind of multitasking and managing Owen's needs, an extraordinary moment of kindness reached us. A fundraiser organized by Dad’s work colleagues concluded with a generosity that left us speechless and tearful. The outpouring of financial support from friends, family, and strangers alike has been a lifeline, easing the burden of our interrupted incomes and allowing us to focus on Owen and his fight against B-cell leukemia.

Preparing for Owen's doctor appointment injected a familiar tension into the day. Yet, the routine has become just that—a routine. The dread that once shadowed these visits has lessened, thanks partly to the incredible medical staff. Today, a nurse managed to enchant Owen into calmness, her gentle demeanor offering a brief calm from his usual restlessness. The day's highlight, however, was the unexpected news that Owen could come home a week early. This announcement sparked a joy that we can only compare to the feeling of an incredible Christmas morning.

Owen's reaction to going home was a sight to behold—his little fists clenched, bouncing in his car seat with unbridled joy. Yet, this news also brought a flood of logistical thoughts. The reality of adjusting back to home life, setting up Owen's room, and continuing his treatment from Eugene loomed large. However, the comfort of returning to our own beds, our cats' familiarity, and waiting cuddles outweighed the burgeoning to-do list in our minds.
The day was dotted with small challenges, from managing Owen's grumpiness to squeezing in adult conversations. His mood swings, a side effect of his condition and treatment, often pivot swiftly from laughter to tears. We've learned to navigate these moments with patience, reminding ourselves and Owen that it's okay to feel this way, that it's not his fault. Our conversations often continued over his protests, a necessary if not always a graceful balancing act of parental multitasking.
A moment of unexpected delight came with the visit from Melissa's brother, Matt, and his girlfriend, Camille. Their presence was a breath of fresh air, a reminder of the world outside our current bubble. They brought a moose stuffed animal from their recent trip to Canada for Owen, a gesture of love that didn't fail to warm our hearts even as Owen, weary from the day, couldn't muster the enthusiasm we hoped for.

As the day wound down, Owen's insistence on bedtime was a reminder of the toll this journey takes on him. His energy levels, significantly impacted by his treatment, dictate the rhythm of our days. We're learning to listen closely, to read the signs of his fatigue and discomfort, and to anticipate his needs as best we can.
Reflecting on today, we are filled with gratitude. Gratitude for the support that surrounds us, Owen's resilience, and the moments of joy that shine through the most challenging days.
Aware of the countless prayers lifted for Owen, we have been profoundly moved by the fusion of fervent prayer and groundbreaking medical advancements in his treatment. Observing Owen's swift and positive response to therapy, a response that even astonished our doctors, reinforces our belief in the miraculous intertwining of faith and science. This experience, which feels like a tangible answer to prayer, has deepened our appreciation for the divine influence in medical progress.
Although we're not always vocal about our spirituality, we're convinced that God's presence is evident not only in the heartfelt prayers for Owen but also in the life-saving scientific breakthroughs. To us, these medical achievements signify God's work through human hands, demonstrating that faith and science, together, bring about healing and hope. This journey has solidified our conviction that God's miracles are at work in every aspect of Owen's recovery, showing that divine grace operates through both prayer and the intellect of those who may not even recognize it.
— Owen’s Parents

Owen's Journal
Be touched by the incredible resilience of four-year old Owen Watson — confronting B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.